Introducing the groundbreaking Animal Welfare Dispatcher Certification from NACA!

The National Animal Care & Control Association
is committed to setting the standard of professionalism in animal welfare and public safety through training, networking, and advocacy.

March 8, 2024

Written by NACA


Elevate your skills and expertise with over 5 hours of specialized training tailored specifically to the unique demands of animal welfare dispatching. Our comprehensive program is designed to empower you to provide top-notch service to your community while prioritizing officer safety.

With a focus on animal welfare protocols and best practices, this certification ensures that you’re equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to handle any situation effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned dispatcher or new to the field, this certification will enhance your capabilities and make a lasting impact.

Join us in championing the welfare of animals and the safety of responders. Enroll today and take the first step towards becoming a certified Animal Welfare Dispatcher with NACA!

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